Get to Know: Ami Meath

March 23, 2023
Meet Ami Meath, Vice President in BBH's Voice of Client Discipline.

Meet Ami Meath, Vice President in BBH’s Voice of Client discipline. Ami is at the forefront of listening to, and understanding what our clients want, and ensuring their needs are heard at BBH. Learn how Ami advocates for our clients and champions diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) efforts across BBH and the industry.

How has your career evolved at BBH?  

I started my career at BBH in the Global Tax Services team. It was a fast-growing area so there was plenty of opportunity for me to try different things, from research and operations to leadership and client facing roles – the more I asked, the more I was given! My career has evolved over time with a move into our Global Strategy team to manage our investment review process and later into our Product Organization. In 2020, the Voice of Client discipline was formally established within Relationship Excellence, and I was thrilled to be a part of the team where I could leverage the knowledge that I’ve gained from all my experiences at BBH. That knowledge allows me to better understand client needs and influence business decisions across different areas of BBH.

Tell us about Voice of Client?

The Voice of Client program is focused on bringing together multiple sources of data we receive from the market, our clients, prospects, and peers to drive product strategy and investment, as well as inform our market engagement strategy. The insights we learn inform our product roadmap and enable us to build a portfolio of products and services that are truly impactful for our clients. The core principle of the program is really to have an independent view of the data, and an independent group that can analyze it with as little bias as possible. We might think we know something, but by using data to support our hypothesis, we can make sure we’re making the right decisions and not being influenced by the loudest voice in the room.

What do you enjoy most about your role?

I enjoy that we advocate for our clients and help drive investments in the products and services that are going to resonate most. We really value client engagement at BBH and see it as an opportunity to deepen relationships, help clients solve their business challenges, and learn more about what we’re doing well and where we could do better. As a team, we hear first-hand what is most important to clients and we’re able to take that feedback and influence business decisions as a result. Our willingness to listen and learn goes a long way and is always well received.

What are you passionate about and how does it influence your work?

I’m passionate about DE&I and am actively involved in various BBH and industry initiatives. I helped grow the Boston Women’s Network at BBH and have been part of Financial Services Women’s Executive Alliance (FSWE) – a Boston-based group of female leaders from across financial services who share programs and best practices aimed at advancing women in our industry.

More recently, and in light of world events, I’ve shifted my focus to learn more about and support BBH’s Black Affinity Network. I also host periodic DE&I discussions in our team where we debate topics such as micro-aggressions, unconscious bias, and the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Last year, we read the book “The Hate U Give” and other articles allowing us to share our thoughts as a team in a safe space.

I have two daughters who are teaching me all the time. We need to listen to a broad range of viewpoints, including those from our younger generations, as they have their finger on the pulse and I'm personally learning from them constantly. It’s important that we continuously educate ourselves and share perspectives and I’m grateful that BBH gives me the space to do so.

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