The success of ESG strategies relies on demonstrating that investors can achieve appropriate returns while investing responsibly. A thoughtful securities lending program can be a key part of this proposition. With a focus on transparency, we help you prioritize governance and voting responsibilities while maximizing risk-adjusted returns.
About our program
Our proprietary trading engine integrates algorithmic execution, machine learning, and e-trading designed to enhance pricing power and return on assets.
We designed our securities lending digital client interface to prioritize your oversight and control – on a pre- and post-trade basis. Through the aggregation of capital markets and securities lending data, you’ll receive real-time insights into lending opportunities and portfolio attribution, providing you the tools to help you meet your program oversight requirements.
With over 80% of the assets we lend held at other custodians, our program is completely custodian-neutral. You’ll receive the same level of operational excellence, flexibility, and service from our lending team regardless of custodian.
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