BBHers Share the Secret to Their Leadership Success with MLT Alumni

A panel of BBH leaders recently shared career mobility advice with a group of alumni from Management Leadership for Tomorrow (MLT).

The best companies understand that their future depends on cultivating leaders who share their core values, bring a mix of broad and specialized capabilities, build diverse teams and embrace a growth mindset. As companies become more global, matrixed and responsive to new market demands, how can the next generation of leaders improve their skills, build networks, and showcase their abilities to be ready when career moves present themselves?

A panel of BBH leaders recently shared career mobility advice with a group of alumni from Management Leadership for Tomorrow (MLT). The speakers emphasized how embracing a mix of self-determined and guided career paths, while incorporating feedback from others, enabled them to overcome diminishing mindsets and identify opportunities to pick up new skills that helped them grow their careers.

Read on for top soundbites from the conversation and try applying some of the principles to your own development journey:

  • It’s critical to be strategic with your time and plan out what is important to you. Whether it is focusing on the right tasks in your role or writing out your personal and professional goals to keep yourself accountable to where you want to go—being purposeful in your approach makes a difference.
  • Raise your hand – people don’t know what interests you if you don’t tell them.
  • Build your brand by taking on new and different projects and getting feedback from a wide range of people in your network.
  • Don’t strive for perfection – view each mistake as a learning opportunity rather than beating yourself up over it.
  • Reach out and ask for help – you don’t have to do it alone and there are others who can support you and help you learn and grow.
  • Important characteristics that will help fuel your growth are curiosity, a growth mindset, passion, dedication and the ability to build strong relationships.
  • Trust in the skills that others see in you, even if you don’t see it yourself right away. Take chance and get uncomfortable!
  • Early in your career – look for ways to build your SME skills. As you get more senior, look for opportunities to develop your leadership skills and align to top companies that share your values.
  • Make time for your hobbies and passion projects. Embrace work/life integration and your overall wellbeing by fueling your intellect and your soul.

About Management Leadership for Tomorrow

Management Leadership for Tomorrow (MLT) is a national nonprofit working to transform our country’s leadership pipelines and increase access to the American Dream. MLT provides Black, Latinx, and Native American talent with the coaching, playbook, and networks they need in order to excel in high-trajectory careers, secure economic mobility for their families, and become high-impact senior leaders equipped to advocate for vulnerable communities. MLT also provides a comprehensive solution for institutions, which combines best-in-class recruitment, retention, and diversity strategy offerings. Learn more at

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