How We Construct Our Portfolios graphic shows the spectrum of BBH Policy Portfolios, including Stable Value, Balanced, Balanced Growth and Growth. It covers where these fall in terms of Return Objectives, Income Objectives, Liquidity, Likelihood of Volatility/Drawdowns and Definition of Risk. On one end of the spectrum is the Stable Value portfolio, which has a narrower range of outcomes. Its return objective is preservation of purchasing power and capital, its income objective is higher, its liquidity is higher, its likelihood of price volatility/drawdowns is lower, and its definition of risk is permanent capital impairment and failure to meet spending needs. On the other end of the spectrum is the Growth portfolio, which has a wider range of outcomes. Its return objective is preservation of purchasing power and growth of wealth over time above inflation, its income objective is lower, its liquidity is lower, its likelihood or price volatility/drawdowns is higher and its definition of risk is permanent capital impairment and failure to beat inflation.
Investment Objective and Philosophy
Active Management, Concentration; Bottom-Up Fundamental Research | Unique View of Risk |
Intrinsic Value/Margin of Safety Framework |
Disciplined, Patient, Long-Term Ownership Perspective |
Conduct rigorous fundamental analysis to project potential investment’s value | Believe biggest threat to financial health is capital impairment and inflation, not volatility | Seek strategies that invest in securities trading below their intrinsic value1 estimate | Believe waiting for an investment to realize value is the surest path to exceptional long-term returns |
Partner with managers who have concentrated portfolios in which they know what they own and why | View market volatility as opportunity to buy high-quality assets at a discount to valuation | Insist on providing a margin of safety2 | Hold cash when there are no attractive opportunities; sell when investments no longer offer acceptable returns relative to loss potential |
How We Construct Our Policy Portfolios
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