Statements of Condition

Statements of Condition

Years ended December 31,
($ in thousands) 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Cash & Due from Banks $3,082,652 $3,144,659 $2,393,325 $2,769,848 $2,966,128
U.S. Government/Agency Securities 77,143 78,842 81,427 75,099 83,000
State & Municipal Securities 1,204,445 1,132,273 939,414 848,027 909,821
  4,364,240 4,355,774 3,414,166 3,692,974 3,958,949
Overdrafts 183,255 283,101 765,625 323,781 461,536
Loans, net of allowance for credit losses 1,390,269 1,733,184 2,249,553 2,135,485 1,896,946
Trading Assets 558,653 346,679 486,570 493,970 181,635
Interest & Other Receivables 413,519 359,056 440,004 537,664 516,003
Premises & Equipment, net 39,622 30,934 35,589 238,703 213,072
Other Assets 155,173 149,049 174,502 217,676 259,829
TOTAL ASSETS $7,104,731 $7,257,777 $7,566,009 $7,640,253 $7,487,970
Deposits $4,695,491 $4,738,381 $5,049,872 $4,913,611 $4,652,596
Accrued Expenses 345,619 293,597 401,341 391,569 378,422
Trading Liabilities 632,953 783,836 650,484 645,674 807,084
Other Liabilities 384,776 350,005 371,416 626,930 588,874
  6,058,839 6,165,819 6,473,113 6,577,784 6,426,976
Partnership Capital 1,010,000 1,040,000 1,040,000 1,060,000 1,060,000
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income 35,892 51,958 52,896 2,469 994
TOTAL LIABILITIES & CAPITAL $7,104,731 $7,257,777 $7,566,009 $7,640,253 $7,487,970
Liquid Assets/Assets 61.4% 60.0% 45.1% 48.3% 52.9%
Overdrafts and Loans/Assets 22.1% 27.8% 39.9% 32.2% 31.5%
Deposits/Liabilities 77.5% 76.8% 78.0% 74.7% 72.4%
The consolidated statements of financial condition of Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. and Subsidiaries, including the related notes (referred to as the “consolidated statements of financial condition”), are available upon request. The consolidated statements of financial condition have been audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP.
Thomas E. Berk
Bradley M. Langer
Taylor S. Bodman Susan C. Livingston
Suzanne E. Brenner Hampton S. Lynch, Jr.
Christian M. Brunet Michael J. McDonald
Hilary M. Capay Jeffrey B. Meskin
Valentino D. Carlotti Yukinori Nagahisa
G. Scott Clemons
Seán Páircéir
Geoffrey M. Cook
Justin V. Reed
Jean-Marc Crepin
Christopher C. Remondi
Thomas J. Davis Jeffrey A. Schoenfeld
Douglas A. Donahue, Jr.
Noriyasu Sonobe
Orla E. Foley Kevin W. Stone
Kathryn C. George W. Carter Sullivan III 
Lorrie L. Gordon
Andrew J. F. Tucker
Christopher Gothard
William B. Tyree
Neil M. Hohmann Maroa C. Velez
William H. Hyder William J. Whelan, Jr.
Charles O. Izard
Richard H. Witmer, Jr.
Radford W. Klotz


Limited Partners
Brian A. Berris
Jared Keyes
John J. Borland Michael W. McConnell
Timothy J. Connelly John P. Molner
Anthony T. Enders Donald B. Murphy
Alexander T. Ercklentz John A. Nielsen
John A. Gehret Jean-Pierre Paquin
Elbridge T. Gerry, Jr. Eugene C. Rainis
Kristen F. Giarrusso A. Heaton Robertson III
Ronald J. Hill
William E. Rosensweig
Landon Hilliard
Lawrence C. Tucker
Michael R. Keller


Principals and Managing Directors
Christopher D. Adams Jonathan E. Mack
Daniel J. Arciola Kerri L.S. Mast
Randall P. Ayer, Jr. Beth V. Maury
Holly A. Baillargeon Christopher J. McCabe
Mark S. Balcom Michael F. McGovern
Daniel Becker Shawn R. McNinch
Hugh B. Bolton Amy L. Morris
Niamh E. Bonus Sarah O'Donnell
Michael A. Boylan Susan M. O'Donnell
Joseph W. Chott J. Clark O'Donoghue
Andrew C. Craswell Alan O'Sullivan
Paul A. D’Attanasio Matthew R. Pemberton
Anthony V. DePalma, Jr. Joseph G. Pennini
Manuel Dienhart Adrienne M. Penta
Travis V. Dunn Ivan A. Pirzada
Paul Feldman Elizabeth E. Prickett
Joshua M. Fine Elizabeth Rand
Eoin Fitzgerald F. Meade Reynolds
William S. Grant Matthew H. Salsbury
Daniel J. Greifenkamp John C. Santos, Jr.
Keith J. Haberlin Scott F. Schultz
Richard D. Ham Jeffrey J. Scott
Lewis J. Hart John M. Secor
Matthew P. Heffernan Brett D. Sovine
Joseph E. Hendry, III Gregory S. Steier
Scott R. Hill David E. Sternberg
Andrew P. Hofer Diane Z. Teed
Sarah A. Holmes Francisco J. Vidal
Alison K. Hutchinson Daniel Walker
Jeffrey J. Idler John C. Walsh
Lauren C. Kayola Patrick J. Walsh
Anita K. Kerr Seth C. Ward
Elizabeth W. King Philip W. Warner, Jr.
R. Patrick Kruczek Kevin M. Welch
Paul E. Kunz Steven Werber
James K. LaCasse Hayley A. Xuereb
Andrew J. Levy Richard T. Yeh
Nichol A. MacManus Samuel Haihua Zhao


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