Trust Services

Helping you achieve your personal and financial goals over generations

Trustee and executor services to ease your mind

We maintain an unwavering focus on what matters most: providing you and your family with continuity for generations while easing the burden of trust oversight and administration. We don’t accept the hardest challenges – we embrace them. Our efficient, client-first, transparent approach allows us to exceed client expectations, no matter the ask. In addition, our senior leaders play an active role in day-to-day client relationships, giving you direct access to decision-makers. We partner with you and your advisors to administer all types of trusts, from simple living trusts to complicated tax-driven estate planning vehicles, and also offer specialized retirement and charitable foundation services.

When to Freeze a Failing GRAT

Senior Wealth Planners Alison Hutchinson and Stacia Kroetz share why it may be beneficial to “freeze” a GRAT in today’s market environment.

A Letter to My Trustees: Using Values to Influence Discretionary Trust Distributions

Adrienne Penta, executive director of the BBH Center for Women & Wealth, and Nicole Jackson Leslie, senior wealth planner, explore how a donor can guide a trustee, even after a trust has been created, to help ensure the trust is used to support and perpetuate a family’s core values for generations to come.

Why a BBH Trust Company?

This table highlights reasons to work with the BBH Trust Companies, including maintaining family harmony, independence and objectivity, experience, compliance, accountability, continuity, and resources.
Independence and
Experience Compliance  Accountability  Continuity  Resources 
A corporate fiduciary can facilitate family harmony by helping to resolve conflicting family needs or requirements. We make impartial decisions in accordance with the trust’s terms and grantor’s intent. We have extensive tax services along with administrative capabilities that alleviate family burdens, such as recordkeeping and tax filings. We provide investment advisory services through our parent company, BBH. We understand and adhere to the rules and regulations governing trust administration and are subject to regulatory oversight. Our professionals make prudent decisions and are attentive to you and their trust responsibilities. We provide you and your family with continuity for generations, without the concern that age or illness will hamper trust administration.
We have external relationships with attorneys and accountants that facilitate effective trust administration. We offer banking services through our parent company, BBH.

Five Pieces of Advice from a Professional Trustee to New Beneficiaries

Alison Hutchinson and Melineh Ounanian outline some ideas for how trust beneficiaries can learn more about their roles and responsibilities.

The BBH Trust Experience

  • Trusted Fiduciary

    We act as a trusted fiduciary for individuals and families. We provide objectivity and continuity, comfort and reliability to the families we support.

  • Service

    Our low staff-to-client ratio allows us to be responsive and build strong, long-term relationships with trustees and beneficiaries.

  • Flexible Approach

    BBH Partners are actively engaged in trust relationships, allowing for same-day decision-making and a flexible approach to addressing issues that inevitably arise.

  • Collaborative

    We work collaboratively with co-trustees and focus on preparing beneficiaries and facilitating communication.

  • Trust Professionals

    Each trust relationship team includes a senior trust officer, a trust administrator, and a seasoned tax accountant, who work together to serve your needs.

  • Wealth Planning

    Our wealth planners, all former trust and estate attorneys, are available for comprehensive discussions about a family’s overall distribution plan, including assets that may pass outside of the trust.

  • BBH Delaware Trust

    Our Delaware Trust Company provides trust administration in a beneficiary-friendly, tax-efficient jurisdiction.

  • Cayman Islands

    BBH Trust Company (Cayman) Limited offers offshore trust services to non-U.S. clients.

BBH Trust Responsibilities

  • Provide custody and safekeeping of assets
  • Arrange for periodic inspection of tangibles or real property assigned to trust

Keep detailed records of:

  • All financial transactions, including income and principal ledger accounting
  • Substantive communications
  • Family meeting minutes, as applicable
  • Discretionary distribution requests, decisions, and rationale

  • Invest according to Prudent Investor Act or other applicable laws
  • Consider tax impact of investments and distributions to estate and beneficiaries
  • Make investment decisions based on economic outlook and family circumstances
  • Arrange for periodic valuation of tangibles, real property, business interests, or other nonmarketable assets assigned to trust

  • Facilitate family meetings
  • Establish regular communications with co-fiduciaries and beneficiaries to review trust terms and distribution needs
  • Stay apprised of statutory disclosure and reporting requirements and coordinate regularly with relevant parties regarding method and timing of communication
  • Prepare and disseminate annual reports as required by trust agreement or governing law
  • Complete and file any required court accounting

  • Communicate distribution terms to beneficiaries
  • Proactively check in on beneficiary needs, as desired
  • Document distribution requests with level of detail required by trust agreement
  • Process appropriate distributions quickly and accurately

  • Prepare and file state and federal fiduciary in­come tax returns
  • Calculate and process quarterly estimated tax payments
  • Participate in tax audits and other dealings with taxing authorities
  • Coordinate with existing tax providers
  • Review gift and estate tax returns, as requested

  • Ensure compliance with all regulatory requirements, including periodic administrative and investment reviews

  • Coordinate with family attorney to prepare and circulate accounting, receipt, release, refunding, and/or indemnification agreements, as appropriate

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