Next Generation Experience

Supporting the next generation as they navigate decisions around wealth, values, life events, and business

A different approach to next generation engagement

No two families are the same. That’s why our Next Generation Experience is bespoke. We provide education, examples, tools, and resources to the current and next generation of your family to support informed decision-making and facilitate communication surrounding wealth.


Each family’s program is tailored to the age, circumstances, and needs of participants created by our own next generation employees. Our client-first focus means we prioritize meeting your family where you are in your journey.

The Fresh Take: BBH Next Generation Summit 2024 Recap

In this issue of The Fresh Take, we asked our Next Gen Summit speakers about their experiences as entrepreneurs and in the field of artificial intelligence.

Next Gen Spotlight: J.B. Andreassi of Andreassi Development

In this Next Gen Spotlight, Relationship Manager Myles Christian sits down with J.B. Andreassi, co-principal of Andreassi Development, rising real estate star, and reality TV personality, to discuss his journey from real estate to TV, working for the family business, and how he balances it all.

How We Can Help

BBH Next Gen Summit

Our multiday Next Gen Summit helps young adult attendees develop financial independence and business acumen. Through interactive sessions and engaging speakers, which include CEOs of private companies and professors from leading business schools, attendees explore entrepreneurship and business, investing and career development, as well as planning for personal finance and philanthropic goals. In addition, attendees are able to network with one another through workshops and social events.


Crypto Conversations

Cryptocurrency, to invest or not to invest? BBH Co-Chief Investment Officer Justin Reed joined us to explore that question. The New York- and Philadelphia-based conversations were helpful introductions, or re-introductions, to the foundational knowledge of crypto, the current state of the investment space, and BBH’s perspective on the asset class. Justin provided attendees with a high-level “crypto vocabulary” to understand the investment space.


To Join or Not Join the Family Business

Many of our clients come from business-owning families and face the difficult decision whether to join their family business or forge ahead in their own career path. To help answer that question, in collaboration with the BBH Center for Family Business and Benjamin Persofsky we brought in two speakers from prominent business-owning families, Brandon Farmer of CSC Sugar and Adriano Barilla of Barilla Pasta, to discuss their career path, their families, and the intersection of those two worlds for an engaging and informative night of discussion. Our speakers took time to tell their stories, answer questions, and network with attendees over signature aptly named cocktails fitting the theme of the night.  

A couple and their three adult children were deeply moved by current events, and the children wanted to dedicate a significant portion of time and some assets from the family donor-advised fund to philanthropic endeavors over the next six months. The couple requested BBH’s help guiding the children through the charity selection process.

BBH facilitated a family meeting using our proprietary tool, Identifying Your Philanthropic Mission, to help identify causes the children would like to support. After determining the causes about which the children were the most passionate, BBH guided them through research tools and resources they could use to find relevant charities, including a tutorial on how to read a Form 990 (nonprofit tax form) to uncover how the organization operates from a financial perspective.

A multigenerational family sought assistance educating the next generation (ages 8 to 14) around investing and the markets.

BBH hosted a three-generation family meeting, during which we had the group of grandchildren create a faux business and engaged them on topics related to capital and the markets. In addition, BBH provided education around investing (including different asset classes) and returns.

A multigenerational family had a structured, active family foundation with a solid grantmaking framework in place and metrics for measuring impact. The grandparents and parents sought assistance engaging the next generation early in philanthropy.

BBH hosted a family meeting, during which we helped the grandparents explain the family’s grantmaking policies to their grandchildren. We used our proprietary tool, Identifying Your Philanthropic Mission, to facilitate a discussion about the causes that mattered to the grandchildren. Each grandchild then spoke about a cause and why it mattered to them at the meeting. Afterward, at BBH’s suggestion, each grandchild proposed to the grandparents a donation to a specific charity and discussed the reasons behind each grant and how they would measure impact.

Two parents who had set up a trust for their children were struggling with how to best educate them on the basics around trusts and sought assistance doing so. In addition, they wanted their children to understand the benefits of trusts.

BBH worked with the next generation to provide an overview of trusts, including what a trust is, what theirs provides, why their parents set them up, the purpose of the trust and the role of the trustee. In addition, we explained the benefits of trusts vs. simply transferring the assets outright and covered creditor protection and the tax laws surrounding trusts to help the children better understand these benefits. Lastly, we gave tips on how to develop a good relationship with your trustee.

The Fresh Take

Our digital-only, quarterly newsletter is written by Next Gen, for Next Gen. The newsletter features practical advice, relevant articles, and a spotlight on an interesting member of our community. Subscribe today!

Everything to Know as a First-Time Homebuyer

Buying your first home can be an exciting, but overwhelming, journey. Senior Relationship Associate Sean Kennedy covers the essentials of what to know before you buy.

Look Before You Leap: A Guide to Investment Properties

Relationship Manager Michael O'Connor reviews the advantages and risks of purchasing and owning an investment property.

Spending, Saving, Investing, and Giving

Our Spending, Saving, Investing, and Giving Game helps teach children the importance of goal setting and delayed gratification, which has been noted as one of the most effective personal traits in successful people. We provide four tags to use on containers of your choice for spending, saving, investing, and giving. Each time your child gets an allowance, you can sit down and discuss where the money should be allocated, helping your child prioritize and learn these important concepts.

Your Personal Balance Sheet: A View into the Future

The formula is simple: As we grow and mature, we turn our human capital into financial capital. BBH Chief Investment Strategist Scott Clemons and Relationship Manager Laura Salibello pull apart how we can turn that formula into a way to plan for the future – and the unexpected – using a personal balance sheet.

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