Institutional Investors

Partnering with like-minded investors to create enduring value

Trusted partner to institutions around the world

We seek to develop lasting relationships with like-minded investors and institutions who value our investment philosophy and approach to active management. Our client relationships often span decades and include the following types of institutions: 

  • Corporate and public defined benefit plans
  • Corporate defined contribution plans
  • Insurance companies
  • Financial institutions
  • Central banks
  • Sovereign wealth funds
  • Government pension schemes
  • Family offices
  • Settlement trusts
  • Endowments and foundations
  • Corporations
  • OCIOs
  • Stable value funds
We offer the following investment vehicles for institutional investors:
  • Separately managed accounts
  • BBH Mutual Funds
  • BBH UCITS Funds (Luxembourg)
  • Private funds
  • Collective investment trusts






Our Latest Insights

  • Hudson Yards wavy, modern structure taken from down below with a blue sky seen from the top and skyscrapers looming above
    September 30, 2024
    • Capital Partners

Investment Solutions

  • Fixed Income

    Offering select taxable, tax-exempt, and inflation-indexed strategies where we seek to deliver excellent long-term results.

  • Public Equity

    Building concentrated, durable portfolios where we seek to deliver excellent long-term returns.

  • Private Equity

    Growth capital provider offering highly customized capital solutions to lower middle-market businesses.

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1BBH sponsors UCITS Funds registered in Luxembourg, in certain jurisdictions. For information on those funds, please see

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