Center for Women & Wealth

Partnering with women as they create and manage wealth

Cultivating a community of women

Our Center for Women and Wealth® (CW&W) is committed to engaging and supporting women as they create and manage wealth. We focus on the issues women care about most and curate experiences and conversations for women to grapple with investment, planning, and philanthropic decisions, including issues related to business ownership and raising responsible children. Great things happen when engaged women come together.

Women & Wealth Magazine Summer Issue 2024

In the summer issue of Women & Wealth Magazine, we highlight notable women in investing throughout the decades – in particular, BBH Partner Suzanne Brenner. We also cover how to talk with your children about money, look at the changing landscape of family wealth advising, and talk about Olympic athletes with Flame Bearers Founder Jamie Mittelman.

The Owners’ Council

The Owners’ Council brings together a dynamic, diverse community of women business owners for the purposes of sharing both personal and business insights and experiences, supporting and advocating for each other, and thoughtfully growing our shared ecosystem of women leaders. Members receive invitations to intimate dinners and other in-person events as well as small, highly engaging virtual discussions, in addition to a monthly digest with valuable insights.

Our Latest Insights

McKinsey Health Institute
Closing the Women’s Health Gap: Harnessing a $1 Trillion Opportunity

Women spend 25% more time in poor health than men.
Per 100 capita, women spend 12 years lived with disability vs. nine years for men.
What are the underlying reasons for the women’s health gap?

  1. Limited understanding of sex-based differences
  2. Constrained access to sex-appropriate care
  3. Data gaps resulting in women’s health burden being undercounted
  4. Low investment limited scale of innovation

More than half of the women’s health gap affects women during their working years, which significantly impacts global GDP.

  • Additional healthy life years lived in 2040 in disability-adjusted life year (DALY) millions:
    • An average of 60% of additional healthy life years are gained in the working age group (20s to 60s).
  • Women’s incremental GDP impact by 2040 by age group, GDP impact in $ billions:
    • An average of 80% of the GDP impact is generated in the working age group (20s to 60s).

The majority of DALYs stem from conditions which impact women differently or disproportionately.

  • Total global women’s health burden – breakdown of conditions, 2019, % of total global DALYs:
    • 5% are related to women-specific conditions (e.g., menopause)
    • 4% are related to conditions that affect women differently (e.g., cardiovascular disease)
    • 47% are related to conditions that affect women disproportionately (e.g., autoimmune disease, migraines)
    • 43% are conditions for which there is no current evidence that women are affected disproportionately or differently (e.g., leukemia)

Closing the gap could generate more than $1 trillion annual GDP by 2040.

Closing the women’s health gap requires action on six fronts:

  1. Increase awareness of the women’s health gap
  2. Enhance access to sex-appropriate care
  3. Systematically collect and analyze sex-, ethnicity-, and gender-specific data
  4. Close research gaps in women’s health
  5. Increase funding and incentivize new financing models
  6. Supporting policies that will advance women’s health

Past Issues of Women & Wealth Magazine


New America: Better Life Lab

The Better Life Lab, an initiative from the think tank and civic enterprise New America, is a leader in the national conversation surrounding the evolution of gender roles and norms, family policy, and how we work and live. They are policy entrepreneurs finding outside-the-box solutions to public problems and using research, data, and reporting to inform their work and tell the stories that motivate, edify, and engender change.

Women’s Philanthropy Institute

The Women’s Philanthropy Institute (WPI) is part of the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy. WPI increases understanding of women’s philanthropy through rigorous research and education, interpreting and sharing these insights broadly to improve philanthropy.

If you would like to be more involved with the CW&W, contact us at CW&


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