Individuals and Families

Helping you and your family thrive for generations

One agenda: yours

Our mission is simple: help families thrive.


We partner with you to articulate and share your values and communicate your vision for the future. Then, we create a customized plan to invest your capital and help preserve, grow, and transition your wealth to family or philanthropic causes over the long term.

Second Annual Private Business Owner Survey

Our survey reveals how private business owners are addressing current technology trends, future succession planning, and family communication dynamics. Explore the results.

Giving Your All, Then Giving Some More: Creative Ways to Enhance Your Wealth Plan

Senior Wealth Planner Ali Hutchinson breaks down several estate planning techniques for individuals who have maxed out their available gift tax exemptions, as well as techniques that can be used to enhance gifts that have already been made and trusts that are already in place.

Comprehensive solutions for individuals and families

  • Wealth Management

    Long-term, value-oriented investing focused on preserving and growing your wealth

  • Trust Services

    Trustee and executor services that provide generational continuity while easing the administrative burden

  • Values-Based Wealth Planning

    Wealth planning rooted in your values to help you achieve your goals

  • Family Office Advisory

    Custom advice and solutions to help you manage life’s complexities

  • Philanthropic Advisory

    Guidance throughout the philanthropic journey to create a lasting, positive impact aligned with your mission

  • Next Generation Experience

    Supporting the rising generation as they assume wealth and navigate decisions

  • Center for Women & Wealth

    Community and resources for women as they create and manage wealth

  • Investment Management

    A disciplined, values-based investment approach

  • Center for Family Business

    Advice and support at the intersection of family and business

  • Private Client Lending

    Flexible, secured lending in the form of personal loans and lines of credit1

How Business Owners Can Maximize the Gift Tax Exemption in 2025

In anticipation of the sunset of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act exemption amounts, BBH Senior Wealth Planner Stacia Kroetz reviews how business owners can make the most of the currently high exemptions while they are still available.
  • 99.6%

    5-year average client asset retention rate

  • 13 generations

    of Partners committed to serving clients for the long term

  • 206 years

    of stewarding client wealth

Your success is our success. We collaborate with you and your family on any issue, no matter how complex, so that you can focus on what matters to you.

Our Latest Insights

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1 Borrowed funds cannot be used to purchase securities in the portfolio.

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1BBH sponsors UCITS Funds registered in Luxembourg, in certain jurisdictions. For information on those funds, please see

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