Our Approach to ESG

Building durable portfolios where we seek to deliver excellent long-term returns

ESG Integration

We evaluate environmental, social, and governance factors as part of our research process to help us assess the long-term sustainability and durability of equity strategies, corporate bonds, municipal debt and structured products in which we invest.
Our Philosophy
We believe that integrating ESG factors as part of our investment approach helps us to better manage risk and enhance returns. In-depth, fundamental analysis is at the core of what we do, and ESG analysis is embedded within our equity strategies, corporate bonds, municipal debt structured products. We consider an ESG factor to be material if it has the potential to impact the enterprise value of a company or credit quality of an issuer. Our view is that well-managed, durable businesses are more likely to manage resources efficiently, create value for shareholders and protect creditors over the long-term, in addition to maintaining access to the credit markets.

ESG: integrated within our bottom-up approach

Our team of approximately 50 equity and fixed income investment professionals are responsible for incorporating key ESG criteria into our investment analysis and decision-making process. Each of our investment teams employ a tailored approach best suited to their specific strategy, while remaining consistent with our overall investment philosophy and process. We commit ourselves to the careful study of factors that could cause impairment of capital, understanding that if ESG risks are not adequately addressed and mitigated, they may lead us to pass on the investment.
Engagement with companies and issuers is also an important component of our bottom-up, research-driven investment approach. We communicate directly with companies and issuers to gain insight into strategy, competitive positioning and durability, as well as the risks and opportunities associated with an investment, which often include ESG considerations.
In addition to integrating ESG factors, we also offer the capability to customize investment solutions aligned to client-specific ESG goals or screening preferences.

Sustainable BBH

Our sustainability goals focus on the positive impact we are making for our clients, our people, and our communities. To learn about our goals and progress, read our Stewardship Report.

Responsible Investing Affiliations

United Nations Global Compact

BBH & Co. is committed to the UN Global Compact corporate responsibility initiative and its principles in the areas of human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption

Principles for Responsible Investment

BBH & Co. Investment Management is a signatory to the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), the world’s leading proponent of responsible investment. Becoming a signatory reflects Investment Management’s and BBH’s commitment to responsible investment and was a key deliverable under our Sustainable BBH program.

Investment Solutions

  • Public Equity

    Building concentrated, durable portfolios where we seek to deliver excellent long-term returns.

  • Fixed Income

    Offering select taxable, tax-exempt, and inflation-indexed strategies where we seek to deliver excellent results.

Niamh Bonus

New York City, NY | USA

Niamh Bonus is the Head of Client Portfolio Management & Strategy in the Investment Research Group (IRG) within the Capital Partners line of business. In this role, she works closely with…  Learn More

Investing in securities that meet ESG criteria may result in a manager forgoing otherwise attractive opportunities, which may result in underperformance when compared to managers that do not consider ESG factors.  A less favorable ESG profile may not preclude a manager from investing in a company, as the consideration of ESG factors is not more influential than the consideration of other investment criteria.

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All investments involve risks, including the possible loss of principal. There is no assurance that any investment solution will achieve its investment objective.


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