Sustainability and Social Responsibility Infographic

April 28, 2021
In our “By the Numbers” infographic, we look at sustainability and social responsibility, examining the benefits of investing time and resources into these areas, as well as rising demand and trends.

A Look at Sustainability and Social Responsibility

Benefits of Investing Time/Sources into Sustainability and Social Responsibility

  • Businesses who commit to sustainability and social responsibility could see 13% productivity increase, 50% reduction in turnover
  • Companies with higher representation of women in the C-suite deliver 34% greater returns to shareholders
  • Companies with higher-than-average gender diversity and employee engagement have 46% -56% stronger financial performances
  • Companies with above-average total diversity were found to score 19% higher in innovation revenues, 9% higher on EBIT margins
  • Achieving sustainable development goals in four domains (food and agriculture, cities, energy and materials, health and well-being) is estimated to create $12T of new market opportunities by 2030 with profits as high as $17T due to savings from reductions in carbon emissions and other resource consumption

Demand for Sustainability and Social Responsibility

  • 77% of Americans prefer purchasing brands that prioritize climate change efforts
  • Among American consumers:
    • 87% are willing to buy a product or service due to a company's advocacy concerning a social matter
    • 76% would decline to do business with a company if it held views and supported issues that conflicted with their beliefs
    • 63% seek out businesses that take the lead on social and environmental change
  • 86% of U.S. women state they would not work for a firm that had a poor reputation for sustainability and social responsibility

Trends in Sustainability and Social Responsibility

  • Assets professionally managed under sustainable investing through ESG rose 25% from 2014 to 2019 to almost $23T
  • 47% of consumers, 61% of executives consider making the world a better place an important responsibility for large companies
  • 74% of business executives are willing to increase corporate giving going forward
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