Tamara McLeod's Career Journey

The best stories are the stories that come from the people who live them. Hear from BBH Communications and Tamara McLeod.

BBHers on the Move

It's no secret that our people are the key to BBH's success. We recognize that the skills and traits that make a BBHer are not just applicable to an individual's current position but could be applied across a variety of roles throughout our organization. BBH's internal mobility program often relies on this employee "versatility" to fill open roles.

Tamara McLeod, a member of the Private Banking Services team in our Jersey City office shares her career journey with us:

What was the career path that led you to where you are today?

After college graduation, I spent six months in Charlotte, North Carolina before heading back to my roots in New York. My first jobs in New York were ESPN and the New York Mets organization — nothing even close to the world of finance! Between jobs, I was contacted by a BBH recruiter to interview for a dual role in Administration and Event Planning in Enterprise Services. In 2016, I accepted the offer and found myself in a role in which I was assisting with events. Although I was initially intimidated by that assignment, I quickly found myself feeling very comfortable there. Everyone at BBH was extremely welcoming and I felt at home very quickly. After two and a half years in that role, I had learned a lot about the organization and thought the time was right to expand my career.  

To grow and advance my career, I knew I had to shake things up and take on new challenges."

Why did you decide to take on a new challenge/opportunity?

Change brings a lot of opportunity for development. To grow and advance my career, I knew I had to shake things up and take on new challenges. Because my role in Enterprise Services allowed me to work so frequently with colleagues across departments, I had a bit of a head start in knowing where I might want to head next, and in September 2018, I made a lateral move to Private Banking.

What's the most helpful advice you've received regarding your career?

Don't underestimate my value — I am very capable in many situations.

What advice would you give to others considering a new role?

If you're contemplating a change, do it. Take a chance on yourself! You risk very little and have everything to gain. My other advice is to network and let people, including your manager, know that you're looking for a change. At BBH, internal mobility is encouraged — so don’t be surprised at the number of people who are willing to offer a helping hand in growing your career.

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