Hannah Hwang’s Virtual Return to BBH

Once a BBH intern, Hannah rejoined BBH’s Mutual Funds Department and is building connections online through Affinity Networks.

In the summer of 2018, I interned at BBH in the AML Compliance department in the New York City office. Having been a psychology and sociology double major at Smith College, I came in with the dreaded feeling of “imposter syndrome.” I had no previous experience in the finance industry and knew that the summer going into my senior year would be the best opportunity to delve into a foreign industry before I jumped into the real world.

For three months, I learned what it took to combat anti-money laundering at a financial institution. I learned (or at least, tried to learn) all the acronyms that BBH uses and felt a sense of accomplishment when I started using the acronyms myself. I also learned that BBH cultivates a sense of community that I grew to love immediately. From the friendly side conversations held standing in line at the café, to the banter held with coworkers and fellow interns, I knew there was something special.

Onboarding in a Virtual Environment

The community is exactly what led me back to BBH two years later, after working for another commercial bank. I am now seated at the Jersey City office in the Mutual Funds department and although I onboarded virtually in December 2020, I still feel the sense of connection that I craved from my internship. While different from the traditional meetup, I am still able to network with both my former peers and those I hadn’t met before over Zoom coffee.

The BBH Affinity Network Community (BANC) has been an essential pillar in the community involvement I have had thus far at BBH.

The Asian Link Network and Women’s Network promptly responded to my email’s expressing my interest in joining and collaborating with them. Not only was the communication seamless, but everyone was eager in providing their support to me as a new fulltime employee to BBH. I am looking forward to future events and roundtables that I was initially captivated by when I was introduced to the various BANC’s during my summer internship.

I was eager to peek into the office space that I will soon call my own as I picked up my laptop in the Jersey City office. While it was barren of people, I could clearly envision the bustling space it will hopefully become again in just a few months. I cannot wait to feel the energy of my peers while embracing the comradery BBH proudly fosters as we renter the in-person workplace. I’m so grateful for the warm welcome back to BBH and I can’t wait to continue my professional career journey where I first started.

As of June 15, 2022 Internet Explorer 11 is not supported by BBH.com.

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1BBH sponsors UCITS Funds registered in Luxembourg, in certain jurisdictions. For information on those funds, please see bbhluxembourgfunds.com

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