Celebrating Pride Month 2021: LGBTQ Awareness, Visibility and Inclusion

Check out some of the ways BBH celebrated Pride Month 2021.

Pride Month—observed around the world each June—is an opportunity for us to shine light on the ongoing pursuit of equality for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community (LGBTQ) and celebrate the accomplishments of LGBTQ+ individuals. 

BBH raised the Progressive Pride flag outside several of our offices to recognize the expansive breath of identity within the LGBTQ+ community. We believe that we should all feel empowered to bring our whole selves to work—including our sexual orientation and gender identity.

Check out some of the ways we recognized the LGBTQ+ community and honored the resilience and determination of the many individuals who are fighting to live freely and authentically. 

“Tales of Two Pandemics: Finding Hope & Resilience Amid Crises” 

Hosted by the London chapter of the Pride Network , internal and external speakers shared their personal experiences during the AIDS/HIV and COVID-19 pandemics. The panel—BBHers Ray Cyr, global co-chair of the Pride Network, and Lena Lin, co-chair of the New York chapter of the Asia Link Network, and guest speakers Anne Aslett, Global CEO of the Elton John AIDS Foundation, and Eric Marcus, New York Times best-selling author and activist—discussed the many ways in which their experiences shaped their leadership styles and heightened their awareness around empathy. The insights shared by the panelists highlighted similar patterns of thinking and behaviors during these crises, both of which disproportionately impacted marginalized communities and inspired people around the world to make a conscious choice to demonstrate allyship.

LGBT Great’s Global Top 100 Executive Allies & Awards

BBH was honored to have three employees named to LGBT Great’s 2021 Global Top 100 Executive Allies! Congratulations to Eoin Fitzgerald, Managing Director, Dublin; Sarah O’Donnell, Managing Director, London; and Sandi Stein, SVP, U.S.

A Focus on LBTQ+ Women

The Dublin chapter of the Pride Network kicked off Pride month early by commemorating Lesbian Visibility Day on April 26 with the launch of What the L?, a thought-provoking discussion about the challenges and experiences faced by many LBTQ+ women in their professional career journeys in business today. Distinguished panelists Aleda Anderson from PGIM, Cathy Denyer O'Leary from Vanguard, and BBH’s own Christine Bird spoke about issues surrounding the challenges and opportunities for gender and sexual orientation equality, as well as their own experiences of overcoming barriers and obstacles to their success. 

Impact in Allyship

The London chapter of the Pride Network was delighted to host Impact in Allyship, a celebration of the five facets of allyship, featuring a fireside chat with our external partner, LGBT Great. The program shared how self-discovery, empathy, courage, responsibility, and persistence strengthen our capacity to become the best allies we can be for LGBTQ+ individuals and other groups of people who may not have the power, status, or opportunity to influence institutional and systemic change.

As of June 15, 2022 Internet Explorer 11 is not supported by BBH.com.

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