BBH Recognized as a Best Company for Dads

We're thrilled to have made the 2022 Seramount, part of EAB Best Companies for Dads list.

We are proud to announce that BBH has been recognized as a 2022 “Best Company for Dads”.  The research was conducted by Seramount, a strategic professional services and research firm dedicated to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace. This year’s list recognized forward-thinking workplace programs in the areas of parental leave, family support, job flexibility, and more. BBH was among the 100 companies that earned a spot on this year’s list.

“We believe that providing support and flexibility in helping employees balance the commitments of being a parent while concurrently driving advancements in their careers yields better outcomes.”

We are proud to announce that BBH has been recognized as a 2022 “Best Company for Dads”.  The research was conducted by Seramount, a strategic professional services and research firm dedicated to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace. This year’s list recognized forward-thinking workplace programs in the areas of parental leave, family support, job flexibility, and more. BBH was among the 100 companies that earned a spot on this year’s list.

Donovan Brown, a Vice President in our Investor Services organization, shares his experience as a working dad at BBH:

“Dad, are you coming upstairs? Or do you have ‘one more email’ to write?” I vividly recall the day in June of 2020 when my daughter came down to my home office before dinner. She emphatically used air quotes to stress the number of times she had heard that sentence. That moment struck a chord and was the catalyst for change in my routine.

The challenge of work/life balance intensified for almost everyone during the pandemic. Virtual meeting spaces contributed to more frequent calls and back-to-back meetings became the norm. These extended days often led to interactions with my children that were some flavor of “give me a minute”, “not now, mom/dad is working” or “I will…I just need to finish this email”.

I shared the air quotes scenario with my manager the next day. She always reminds me to focus on what’s important and I am inspired by her commitment to her career as well as her family. It made me think of changes I could make to pursue my career goals and be present with my family. Now, I start my days earlier. This allows me to prepare for what’s ahead and manage my time. I try to block time in the morning to spend time with my children. This could be making breakfast together, going outside to play, or simply sitting with them while they watch their favorite cartoon. Lastly, I’ve made a stronger effort to plan activities in the evening with my family which gives me a cut off time for work, as well as something to look forward to.

Special thanks to our BBH Parenting Network for their partnership in our continued journey of education, growth, and inclusion for all!

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